woensdag, december 24, 2003
It started last night. I was sound asleep when I was awoken by the sound of a plane going over my house. I live near an airport, but planes don't go over my house. It's a sad post 9/11 fact that such an insignificant thing as a plane straying from its flight path should cause a BERP big enough to wake me up and keep me up, waiting to hear a crash. Not that I shouldn't have been woken up. I had been dreaming that I was a CSI working on a child molestation case. It was the second child victim and the analysis was suggesting that the perpetrator was someone who had molested me (the CSI) years ago, but was never caught. I was just getting ready to testify in court when the plane woke me up. (As a dream, this sounds too canned, and I thought maybe it was something from tv that I'd absorbed, but CSI wasn't on last night....)
So I wake up to hear ... there's Mad Cow disease in the US. I want to scream! When was Fast Food Nation published? Mad Cowboy? Has any one been paying attention? It was only a matter of time. And they don't know where the meat of the infected cow is. I picked a bad year to stop being a vegetarian. Some government official was talking on CBS. She never gave a straight answer to any question. Not even yes or no questions. The reporter asked if other cattle from the quarantined farm had been sent to slaughter. Her answer: It's not a beef farm it's a dairy farm ... yada yada yada. She knows very well what happens to dairy cows that aren't producing up to par - they become hamburger. So the concise answer would be (and should have been ) YES! Another talking head tried to calm the public saying he personally was having Prime Rib for the holidays. And I bet it's from Niman Ranch too.
Then I heard my friend's grandmother died.
Then I see that they're going to allow roads and logging in Tongass National Park.
Never should have gotten up today. Not that that would have changed anything.
vrijdag, december 19, 2003
I'm a different color today
#FFF0F5 |
Your dominant hues are red and magenta. You love doing your own thing and going on your own adventures, but there are close friends you know you just can't leave behind. You can influence others on days when you're patient, but most times you just want to go out, have fun, and do your own thing. Your saturation level is very low - you have better things to do than jump headfirst into every little project. You make sure your actions are going to really accomplish something before you start because you hate wasting energy making everyone else think you're working. Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation. |
woensdag, december 17, 2003
maandag, december 15, 2003
#688E23 |
Your dominant hues are green and yellow. There's no doubt about the fact that you think with your head, but you don't want to be seen as boring and want people to know about your adventurous streak now and again. Your saturation level is higher than average - You know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone. You value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don't be afraid to run out and make things happen. Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively. |
vrijdag, december 12, 2003
#4682B4 |
Your dominant hues are cyan and blue. You like people and enjoy making friends. You're conservative and like to make sure things make sense before you step into them, especially in relationships. You are curious but respected for your opinions by people who you sometimes wouldn't even suspect. Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it. Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up. |
dinsdag, december 09, 2003
#556B2F |
Your dominant hues are green and yellow. There's no doubt about the fact that you think with your head, but you don't want to be seen as boring and want people to know about your adventurous streak now and again. Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it. Your outlook on life is slightly darker than most people's. You try to see things for what they are and face situations honestly. You'd rather get to the point than look for what's good. |
zaterdag, november 08, 2003
donderdag, november 06, 2003
I snuck another bottle of Belgian - I wasn't as excited this time. Maybe it was because of my mother's grand extolation: It tastes like beer. hmph.
maandag, oktober 27, 2003
My beer's almost done - about 3 weeks left for both batches. I tried a bottle of the Belgian early. Not half bad, if I do say so myself (and I do). This is a good hobby. This will be an even better hobby once I start jogging again. Unfortunately my foot doesn't seem to be healing.
Just looking around. I achieved none of the fiber goals I set for myself this summer. Guess I'll be using my 3 fleeces as office insulation again this year. (But I'll have beer to keep me warm too well, not in the office.)
I'm finishing the toe on a Fortissima sock. I finally broke down and got some of that self-patterning yarn at Rheinbeck. I guess it has it's uses (movie knitting - through Lost in Translation and Intolerable Cruelty). But otherwise I'm not that impressed. I prefer my own spinning. (At least I know when there's a knot in the skein. grrr - pet peeve.) Speaking of which, I never did finish that other pair of socks. I literally just have to cast off. But I wanted to use a specific cast off and I keep forgetting to look it up. It's been about 6 months now, hasn't it? I have sweaters that are short just one sleeve that are years older. Once I lose interest, it's over. This doesn't bode well for finishing that other mitten, especially when it's too big for me.
FWIW - Flu shots hurt less than tetanus shots.
woensdag, oktober 08, 2003
I've been doing much of nothing, as usual. Not true... I've been homebrewing, not "fibering". I have one more batch to brew and then I suppose I'll get back to spinning. I should have some free time at the end of the month. Plus I have that exchange to get out. Not good for the host to be the straggler, eh? (hmm, what ever happened to the silk exchange; I haven't got that back yet.)
On the brewing front, the Belgian Dubbel is in the secondary fermenter. Another week to go before I bottle, and then at least a month of bottle conditioning before I can drink it. At that rate the not-yet-brewed Porter should be done at the same time. Guess November will be a good beer month.
Actually today's a good beer day. Blind Tiger is having an Imperial IPA event at 6, and Dogfish Head will be at Mugs at 7:30... I can make both, right? (Maybe I should pin my home address to my clothing, just in case.)
Ah well, better get going...
vrijdag, september 19, 2003
You are The Cap'n!
Some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some slit the throats of any man that stands between them and the mantle of power. You never met a man you couldn't eviscerate. Not that mindless violence is the only avenue open to you - but why take an avenue when you have complete freeway access? You are the definitive Man of Action. You are James Bond in a blousy shirt and drawstring-fly pants. Your swash was buckled long ago and you have never been so sure of anything in your life as in your ability to bend everyone to your will. You will call anyone out and cut off their head if they show any sign of taking you on or backing down. You cannot be saddled with tedious underlings, but if one of your lieutenants shows an overly developed sense of ambition he may find more suitable accommodations in Davy Jones' locker. That is, of course, IF you notice him. You tend to be self absorbed - a weakness that may keep you from seeing enemies where they are and imagining them where they are not.
What's Yer Inner Pirate?
brought to you by The Official Talk Like A Pirate Web Site. Arrrrr!
maandag, september 15, 2003
donderdag, september 11, 2003
Arrgh - I'm still sore from the Tetanus shot on Tuesday. My arm is all swollen and hot. If I had remembered how much this hurt, I wouldn't have reminded them that I was due.
I'm not doing anything. I finished knitting one mitten, but I have to spin more to finish the other (2 more skeins - 173 yrds). I have to remember to get my silk exchange out Monday. And I need to spin more for the skein exchange. I also have to do my Hungarian homework. Jaj!
woensdag, september 10, 2003
vrijdag, augustus 29, 2003
Duran Duran got back together!?!? All five of them?!? They're on tour this fall? I was such a Durannie in my youth. I'm just stunned. (And pissed I missed the gig here on Wednesday.)
official site
John Taylor's site
dinsdag, augustus 26, 2003
So I've finally applied some of the mindless spinning I've been doing to some mittens from the Charlene Schurch book (pattern 24). Needless to say, I didn't gauge, and they're coming out big. (I didn't gauge, but the yarn I'm using is the same grist. It was a reasonable guess. I usually get gauge. Actually I still might have gotten gauge, I haven't checked - I just automatically made the larger size.) I'll just have to find a SO to give them to (heheh) or donate them to charity. They're not huge. They'll fit someone, just not me. Well, maybe if I full them a little. But I can just make another smaller pair. Things not fitting never bothered me. Just do it over again and learn from your mistakes. If it's the process of knitting (weaving, etc. ) you like, then what does it matter if you have to do it over?
It's shocking to me that my normal spinning yarn is knittable on 0s! What happened to my moose yarn? I'm a little worried - I have a bobbin and a half of similarly sized singles on my wheel. I was planing to do 2-ply for a sweater. It may end up as a 3 ply or a cabled yarn. I'm not up to knitting a sweater in my size on 0s.
I got a bunch of yarn in the skein exchange that's calling out to be made into socks. I just needed to find a good yarn for the feet. I found a skein of silk/cashmere in the kitchen while I was cleaning. That'll do, pig. The skein exchange was fun enough to do a second - "The Skein that Wouldn't Dye!" I'm hosting this one. This time aroud the skeins are twice as long. I'll probably weave with those.
Didja know that the verb "skein" in Icelandic means to "wipe one's ass"? ... or so I've heard.
maandag, juli 14, 2003
woensdag, juli 02, 2003
vrijdag, juni 27, 2003
donderdag, juni 26, 2003

You are an S2000. You've got a genuine thirst for serious excitement; you want to enjoy life to the fullest and admire everything around you for what it is. You see things as they are; negativity in you is brought about by hateful people, so it's a good thing that you can see greatness in the small things.
which honda are you? | visit high
maandag, juni 23, 2003
This weekend I knit up some alpaca I spun last week. It was only an ounce and I got a small lace scarf out of it. Just a little something to wrap around your neck.

You are a masterful knitter! I don't know how you
got this result, but what the hell... Enjoy
your title, and try selling some of your
"unvented" patterns- you may make
enough for that bundle of qiviut you've been
drooling over...
Are you a knitter?
brought to you by Quizilla
maandag, juni 16, 2003
Last Tuesday I played competition volleyball - 6 man, indoor volleyball - for the first time in 10 years. This was the last time I spun (I think). By Wednesday I was wondering when exactly did I lose my ankle bones? My ankles didn't always look like tree trunks, did they? And veins, I used to have veins in my feet, I'm sure of it. Now I remember why I used to always have hi-top volleyball sneakers. That little bit of extra support works wonders. I don't spin well with my feet elevated, so it went by the wayside. Actually, if I recall, I did spin a skein last week. While waiting for the brewery event to start, I spun some white Corrie. It's a horrible skein though - for obvious reasons. (Consumption of 4 - 6 beers has a negative effect on my consistency.)
And this weekend was spent gardening and/or at the beach for a Fathers' Day Brunch. I really must plow through some of this fiber though. I have two more league vb games to go - hopefully I won't react as badly. (ace bandages to the ready - an ounce of prevention...)
donderdag, juni 12, 2003

You're Adam Whitely, AKA Felicia JollyGoodFellow!
Take the Which Priscilla Queen of the Desert Drag Queen Are You? Quiz
Also try my other quizzes.
maandag, juni 09, 2003
vrijdag, juni 06, 2003
And oddly enough, I'm getting puffy yarn on the spindle! I've never managed that before. If the yarn were an art project, I would entitle it "A Concentrated Effort Not to Overtwist." I've even gone so far as to check the yarn every yard or so when plying, and back spin it if it kinks. The result being a balanced skein right off the spindle, which blooms when you set the twist. This doesn't sound like much of an accoplishment, but I've been spinning razor wire for years; it's quite new to me. Of course, I don't know what to do with puffy yarn, which is why I never spin it. If it can't wear like iron, I have no use for it. We'll see.
donderdag, juni 05, 2003
vrijdag, mei 23, 2003
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Very High |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Low |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Moderate |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Moderate |
Level 7 (Violent) | High |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | High |
Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test
woensdag, mei 21, 2003
I'm sorta disenchanted with this whole blogging idea. Should I:
a) keep going anyway
b) stop, no one's paying attention
c) keep going but take it off the Fiber Arts ring
d) (your suggestions - use the talkback feature)
FWIW, I've made an Elizabeth Zimmerman baby sweater (from Vogue's American Collection) with the cashmere and I'm working on the Kousa Dogwood shawl from Knitting in America with the rest.
Some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some slit the throats of any man that stands between them and the mantle of power. You never met a man you couldn't eviscerate. Not that mindless violence is the only avenue open to you - but why take an avenue when you have complete freeway access? You are the definitive Man of Action. You are James Bond in a blousy shirt and drawstring-fly pants. Your swash was buckled long ago and you have never been so sure of anything in your life as in your ability to bend everyone to your will. You will call anyone out and cut off their head if they show any sign of taking you on or backing down. You cannot be saddled with tedious underlings, but if one of your lieutenants shows an overly developed sense of ambition he may find more suitable accommodations in Davy Jones' locker. That is, of course, IF you notice him. You tend to be self absorbed - a weakness that may keep you from seeing enemies where they are and imagining them where they are not.
What's Yer Inner Pirate?
brought to you by The Official Talk Like A Pirate Web Site. Arrrrr!
vrijdag, mei 09, 2003
FWIW - I've got a pound of 4-ply cream cashmere that I've been sampling. I really don't know what to do with it - I can't get gauge on the camisole pattern I like, and the yarn is too fragile to warp with. Feh.
Here are some more quizzes:

Who 's Your Inner Sexy Cartoon Chick ?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a Cappicinno!
What Kind of Coffee are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
maandag, april 07, 2003
Any hoo.... I just signed up for BookCrossing - maybe I can get rid of some of my book stash.
Socks are still in the office.
I only spun for demo purposes this morning. The PT had never seen such a thing before.
maandag, maart 24, 2003
Mostly I spent the weekend freaking out about my Hungarian midterm today. Oh, and that defensive driving class on Saturday. 6 hours in a dark room watching the same tapes as they showed 3 years ago.... sigh. I couldn't even study.
woensdag, maart 19, 2003
Anything to procrastinate.
dinsdag, maart 18, 2003
woensdag, maart 12, 2003
I got my first stinky fleece of the season yesterday. The Icelandic lamb from True North Farm came yesterday.
My cat was in heaven. Normally he ignores my fiber. There are fleeces and rovings and whatnot all over the house, he could care less. He doesn't chew on drivebands either. But there's something about Harry's fleeces.... I laid the fleece out on the living room floor to inspect it. He was ecstatic. He would roll on it, and bury himself in it ... he was so happy. I had to take it away and wash it because he kept drooling all over it. I saved some second cuts for him and he lay on that for the rest of the evening, then I made a knitted ball and stuffed them into it - his new favorite toy!
dinsdag, maart 11, 2003
One day back at work from the knee injury and I come down with uvulitis. (Inflamation of the dangly thing in the back of your throat.) I still went to work, as I don't yet have a fever (...mEg nincs lAzAm.) I don't understand how or why I would get this, as I've been on antibiotics (Keflex) for a week already, for the knee injury. Perhaps that's why this bout of uvulitis is not as bad as others I've had. All I can do is keep taking it, and try not to talk (triggers the gag reflex).
I knitted a gauge swatch on the bus today. Size 4 needles look okay. I'm working with the thicker ball of yarn first, as it has less yardage and will dictate the size of the socks. As always, I think I'm going to make up my socks. Toe-up, shaped feet, short row heel with heel stitch, ribbing at ankle, entrelac through the cuff, ribbing at the top. That sounds about right. This is my "basic" sock. If I'm using a soft wool, like Cormo, Merino, or an Angora blend, I'll knit the whole sole in "heel stitch". It fulls nicely. But it's probably unnecessary with the merino/hemp. Most times I skip the entrelac, but I've found that the entrelac socks are my favorite. I have a pair in purple cashmere, with a black/blue/purple, merino/silk contrast yarn, and a pair with all of my first spindle spinning, in various natural fleece colors, with Cormo feet.
Now if I could only find a ruler to measure my swatch....
maandag, maart 10, 2003
I simply cannot find my IK with the PG-R generic sock article. It's very annoying... I had wanted to try that pattern. Until then I'll swatch and try to think up something else to do.
zondag, maart 09, 2003
zaterdag, maart 08, 2003
I'm getting tired of this brace.
vrijdag, maart 07, 2003
See, someone offered books in trade for fiber. She had a book I wanted, so I listed what fiber I had to trade. Once I listed it it's like, hey - I have some roving I could spin! (So Kate, if you're reading this, the wool/hemp is gone.) My wheels are all double treadle, but with weighted flywheels, so it's perfectly easy to treadle with the "good" leg.
By the way - the right knee is sprained badly - I have a hinged soft brace and 6 weeks of physical therapy to look forward to once it heals.
I'd bought this fiber 2 years ago at Rheinbeck with the idea of making socks. I obviously never did. I'm going to try to spin it fine enough to Navajo-ply it (maintaining the color changes). Why I chose this colorway is beyond me. (Burgundy/red/yellow/green) Nothing in my wardrobe matches this.
Sigh - another impulse purchase.
dinsdag, maart 04, 2003
I slipped on black ice last night, twisting my knee and bruising it badly. Which puts me at home and off of my feet. I may have to break down and knit something
I visit a specialist tomorrow so I'll know what exactly is wrong (probably just a sprain). I'll keep you updated on any new projects. Hey - I just thought of one - I liked the dim sum cat toys in the new Knitty.
maandag, maart 03, 2003
I have a loom. 2 wheels, numerous spindles, at least 10 fleeces, a chest of roving, a couple of chests of yarn, knitting needles of every size and material (okay, not glass - yet), a bookcase of knitting, spinning and weaving books, hundred of free patterns and dozens of original sketches...
... and I have no desire to do anything with it.
And I will probably get at least 3 more fleeces this spring and I already have an inquiry out regarding another book. I know that when I go to Rheinbeck in October, I'll buy another spindle, some more magazines. But why? I can't think of anything I feel like making, despite the fact that I need more wool socks and I'm tired of wearing the same old sweaters over and over. I bought a nice sweater recently, but it's so hard to go back to off-the-rack. I just don't feel like making them anymore.
Maybe it's the cold. I do most of my knitting/spinning outdoors, while I'm waiting for/riding transportation. It's simply too cold to have my hands out for any length of time. I won't start up again untill it's well in the 50s. So why aren't I weaving or spinning at home? I don't have a good answer for that.
I have been cooking like a madman. This weekend I made Spiced Eggplant and Mushroom Stew, Strange Flavor Eggplant, Vegetarian Shepherd's Pie, & Raita. I stopped myself before I lept into Vichysoisse, and Eggplant Gratin. I don't have enough room to store all of this food, and it's only me eating it. (The rest of the house thinks vegetables are akin to cooties. I suppose that's why I'm the only one in the house who hasn't been sick this winter.) My kitchen bookshelf is full, full, full and I can't even think of buying another cookbook. I kept pulling them all out this weekend and seeing what I could make with the fresh ingedients I had. (eggplants, obviously, leeks, potatoes, mushrooms, avocados, tofu, zucchini, tomatoes, garlic, shallots, and a mango.) But the cooking didn't satisfy me. I hardly even ate, just packed it away in the fridge/freezer.
I need inspiration.
vrijdag, februari 28, 2003
A classmate told me that her Hungarian friend had to ask her what floss was! Umm ... ewww! The classmate was saying that, in Hungary, extractions are more common and simply accepted for people of a certain age. Interesting. I've never been there, so I can't verify the veracity of that claim. But if anyone knows how to say "braces" (meaning the stupid things on my teeth, as opposed to suspenders or crutches, etc.) in Hungarian, let me know. I haven't been able to find it anywhere.
For an equally ewww American story (as counterpoint) - I read the longest recorded time of someone having braces on is 20 years. Some guy had them put on, but ran out of money so never went back for adjustments or removal. I don't know which concept is worse, keeping the braces on for 20 years, or not going to the dentist for 20 years. I mean, I'm terrified of the dentist, but I'm more terrified of losing teeth or pain or general "yuckmouth".
A BLACK Dragon Lies Beneath!
I took the Inner Dragon online quiz and found out I am a Black Dragon on the inside. If there ever was an aparition of Evil, my Inner Dragon is it. Blackies are a fairly common dragon and are considered one of two harmonious dragons. My antithesis is the White Dragon. Together, we embody the Yin and Yang concept of eastern religions.
But I couldn't care less about that garbage. I like to chomp things, cause trouble, and seek unjustified revenge. My favorable attributes are the Moon, the stars, dreams, psychic guidance, seeking truth, and helpful dark magic. Everybody's still got to watch out for me though, because deep down I like to smite at random and have a nasty breath weapon combination of Fire and Acid. *evil grin* Fun, no?
donderdag, februari 27, 2003
Swam yesterday - it was cold outside. (I swam inside, but one still has to get home with wet hair.) I'm not sure if I'm still motivated to do the river swim this summer. But I'll keep swimming in the pool in any case. Exercise improves my mood. (Not that anyone can tell.)
woensdag, februari 26, 2003
Not that it's stopping me from buying more fleeces. I just got an e-mail from Harry saying that he'd picked out a fleece for me. (As per my request, naturally.) and I e-mailed Dick yesterday in response to his annual letter. That will be up to 3 additional fleeces. Mind you, two of last year's 3 fleeces are still in my office. sigh Come to think of it I haven't finished the last fleece from Harry either. For some reason I was separating tog from thel, and a couple of months ago I experimented with blending the thel with angora.... I really should just sit down and DO something - from start to finish, for a couple of days. Maybe I'll take a few days off during spring break.
dinsdag, februari 25, 2003
Well, quite honestly, I haven't touched any project in ages. I haven't knitted, spun, woven, ... anything. And I've been away from home for a couple of weeks. Before that I was sulking about my braces. Not exactly scintillating fiber fodder.
Saturday I washed a couple of ounces of Polwarth from a breed exchange I participated in a couple of years ago. whoopdifriggindo
Well, you can always check out Dave Barry's Blog if you get bored.
dinsdag, januari 21, 2003
I actually have eye-candy for you today:
Okay - no I don't - seems you can't do pictures on the free service. Will work on that.
maandag, januari 13, 2003
I finished my triangle shawl a couple of weeks ago, and, true to form, I don't like it. I'll probably frog it and weave it into a wide scarf instead. For now it's just living on one of my kitchen stools. The yarn is fine, the knitting was fine, but it's not flattering.
Speaking of unflattering, I get to wear a bathing suit today! I'm training for my first open water swim (perhaps). This body was not meant to wear lycra. And the swim cap and goggles make it feel like someone's trying to suction your head. Jaj! We'll see how it goes. What sane person would want to jump into the Hudson anyway?
donderdag, januari 02, 2003
Things are pretty quiet here. I'm on my last ball of alpaca/shetland for that shawl. I could spin a little more; I have about 4 oz of fiber left. I'll probably do that. The sucker's getting pretty heavy.
At the moment I'm simply blogging to keep my hands off of the potato chips I foolishly bought. (Impulse buy - I haven't had any in a while.)
Ah - I did sample last night. Sorta. I'm toying with the idea of blending angora and thel - no project in mind. I carded a few blends to see how they spin up (less angora, 50/50, more angora, all angora) and spun them. I also spun a cabled bit of corrie for the hell of it. The samples are dry but I didn't have small enough needles handy to knit them up. I'll have to do that later. I may just scrap it and do some 100% angora yarn.
When I'd first bought the angora, I had the damnedest time spinning it. I couldn't get it to hold together, and when I did, I made razor wire which was also too fine to be of any use. So I put it all aside until my spinning skills caught up. Well, the vendor from whom I got the angora (a couple of years ago) found some samples from the batch she'd sent me, and didn't like the quality compared to what she's producing now ... so she sent me more angora, gratis! I thought that was nice. So now I've dug up the old angora (cuz, of course, the new angora is too nice to waste on sampling) and I've been playing with it. I'm having a much better time of it than before. A little processing goes a long way. I think before I was trying to spin from the "lock", on a scotch tension wheel, on which the take up was probably too tight. But carding and spindling it is going just fine. So maybe I'll just do something in angora. I don't know what. (I'm not a fuzzy bunny sort of person.) Suggestions are welcome.