zaterdag, februari 19, 2005

Ugh, I'm sick. I have no desire to spin or knit or anything.

Pity, though, as I just have the thumbs to complete on my cashmere Turkish mittens.

My chest cold is starting to break up, so I'm at that miserable, hacking, expectorant stage. Fun fun fun.

I don't care, as long as I'm well in time for my trip to New Orleans for spring break.

maandag, februari 14, 2005

I have a new blog. It is nothing like this one.

It is about sex. I will try to keep it on topic.

I will probably update the other more.

Fair warning, if you like this one, you will probably not like the other.

zondag, februari 13, 2005

Well, I managed to find/make Mardi Gras here in NYC. I'm shocked that I came home with more beads than I left with. And I was giving them away! Sajnos, senki sem mutatotta a pöcsödet.

It looks like the New Orleans trip is starting to flesh out as well. I have one other person who's already bought tickets, and 3-7 other people who are trying to fit it into their schedules. So I won't be entirely alone all week. There's so much I want to do; now I just have to decide what I want to do with other people.

T-30 days to debauchery!

dinsdag, februari 08, 2005

Laissez les bon temps roulez!

It's Mardi Gras. Break out the Hurricanes & beignets. Throw me some beads, mister! What will you give me for my beads? (Mutasd a pöcsödet!)

I'm happily decked out in my beads, here in the den of iniquity, but no one else seems to be celebrating. Well, it is New York.

I'm thinking about going down to New Orleans for Spring Break, but having a hard time getting anyone to go with me. Not that I particularly need the company.

Who'da ever thought I'd like a southern city so much?