vrijdag, februari 28, 2003

Arrgh - I got my first braces adjustment yesterday. They put bands on my molars too. IT HURTS!!!! When ever my teeth touch during the night, I wake up. So I'm not exactly "rested" and "cheery". 19 months to go. But at least now that the spacers are out, I can floss between all of my teeth again. It kinda creeped me out not to be able to floss between my molars.

A classmate told me that her Hungarian friend had to ask her what floss was! Umm ... ewww! The classmate was saying that, in Hungary, extractions are more common and simply accepted for people of a certain age. Interesting. I've never been there, so I can't verify the veracity of that claim. But if anyone knows how to say "braces" (meaning the stupid things on my teeth, as opposed to suspenders or crutches, etc.) in Hungarian, let me know. I haven't been able to find it anywhere.

For an equally ewww American story (as counterpoint) - I read the longest recorded time of someone having braces on is 20 years. Some guy had them put on, but ran out of money so never went back for adjustments or removal. I don't know which concept is worse, keeping the braces on for 20 years, or not going to the dentist for 20 years. I mean, I'm terrified of the dentist, but I'm more terrified of losing teeth or pain or general "yuckmouth".

A BLACK Dragon Lies Beneath!

I took the Inner Dragon online quiz and found out I am a Black Dragon on the inside. If there ever was an aparition of Evil, my Inner Dragon is it. Blackies are a fairly common dragon and are considered one of two harmonious dragons. My antithesis is the White Dragon. Together, we embody the Yin and Yang concept of eastern religions.

But I couldn't care less about that garbage. I like to chomp things, cause trouble, and seek unjustified revenge. My favorable attributes are the Moon, the stars, dreams, psychic guidance, seeking truth, and helpful dark magic. Everybody's still got to watch out for me though, because deep down I like to smite at random and have a nasty breath weapon combination of Fire and Acid. *evil grin* Fun, no?

donderdag, februari 27, 2003

Nothing new to report - just playing around with the page template.

Swam yesterday - it was cold outside. (I swam inside, but one still has to get home with wet hair.) I'm not sure if I'm still motivated to do the river swim this summer. But I'll keep swimming in the pool in any case. Exercise improves my mood. (Not that anyone can tell.)

woensdag, februari 26, 2003

Another fine day of doing nothing. Last night I began carding some of that Polwarth (only because I should have been studying for a Hungarian test). It's very nice. I did about 6 rolags before I got bored. (can you say "no attention span"?) and then I spun and plied one of them to see what kind of yarn I'd get. It's pretty nice. Vey soft, very white. No clue as to what I'll do with it, so I put the rest of it back. Maybe I'll wash something else this weekend. I have bags & bags of these silly samples from that breed exchange.

Not that it's stopping me from buying more fleeces. I just got an e-mail from Harry saying that he'd picked out a fleece for me. (As per my request, naturally.) and I e-mailed Dick yesterday in response to his annual letter. That will be up to 3 additional fleeces. Mind you, two of last year's 3 fleeces are still in my office. sigh Come to think of it I haven't finished the last fleece from Harry either. For some reason I was separating tog from thel, and a couple of months ago I experimented with blending the thel with angora.... I really should just sit down and DO something - from start to finish, for a couple of days. Maybe I'll take a few days off during spring break.

dinsdag, februari 25, 2003

Welcome back to the world's worst fiber blog. I'd be surprised if anyone still visits.

Well, quite honestly, I haven't touched any project in ages. I haven't knitted, spun, woven, ... anything. And I've been away from home for a couple of weeks. Before that I was sulking about my braces. Not exactly scintillating fiber fodder.

Saturday I washed a couple of ounces of Polwarth from a breed exchange I participated in a couple of years ago. whoopdifriggindo

Well, you can always check out Dave Barry's Blog if you get bored.