dinsdag, mei 29, 2007

Well, I finished, and it was harmless. I thought it was going to be smaller (I used one size smaller needles, simply because I was too lazy to look for the proper size) but upon a quick blocking, it looks like it will be pretty big once I finally do block it properly.

On to the next project - whatever that may be.

vrijdag, mei 25, 2007

It's getting there. I may finish this weekend.

woensdag, mei 23, 2007

I should be done by early next week. Just the lace border left.

dinsdag, mei 22, 2007

It's been a week and so far I'm cruising right along.

day two
day three
day four

I think I can finish the body today and start working on the edgings.

dinsdag, mei 15, 2007

Well, with the advent of spring, I figured I'd try to make friends with the hated Spring Cashmere Lace Shawl again. I'm finally trying it in cashmere. This is day one. It seems to be going okay. I hate that I hate a pattern. I shouldn't have any sort of valence for inanimate objects.