dinsdag, januari 20, 2004

This is my vocabulary list for my first assignment

Vocabulary for New Orleans:

lay-over: az utazás rövid megszakítása
travel delay insurance: utazási biztosítás
carry-on luggage: recepció
concierge: szállodaportás
to check into a hotel: szállodába bejelentkezik
hotel reservations: szobafoglalás
restaurant reservations: asztalfoglalás
give up a plane ticket: repülo"jegyet felad
receive a free ticket in exchange: más repülO"jegyet kap cserébe
flight: járat

infection: fértO"zés

aquarium: akvárium
shark: cápa
touch-pool: érinthetO" / próba medence

Bourbon Street:

live sex acts: élO" szexcselekmények
stripper: sztriptíztáncosnO"
night club: éjszakai mulató
balcony: erkély
beads: gyöngylánc
bar: bár, kocsma

(Capitals simply reflict my inablitiy to express Hungarian diacritics in html.)

Need I say more about my trip? grin

I'm in a crappy mood and I don't want to blog.

I've had two full bobbins on my wheel for months now so I decided to ply them off. I spindle so often that I totally forget what huge bobbins my wheel has. I plied one bobbin (over)full and started to skein it off. I skeined 200 yards and barely made a dent in the bobbin. I couldn't be bothered to cut and tie it - the whole thing makes me tired. So the skein is still on my niddy and still attached to the wheel. There's probably 6-700 yards on that bobbin, and I still haven't emptied off the singles from the other two. Wish I liked the Millie more - I have 10 bobbins for that one, I wouldn't have to ply anything off.

Last semester of Hungarian, and I think I'm on my own. There are 3 people in the class, one very advanced, one with lots of vocabulary but bad grammar, and me (correct enough grammar, no vocabulary) - so I think I'm getting bumped into a private session and the other two will have class together. No.. that's not stressful. Hopefully that will make me do my homework in a more timely fashion (as opposed to ummm ... blogging?!) For Thursday I have to write a report about my last trip to New Orleans. How do you say "Show me your dick & I'll give you some beads" in Hungarian?

woensdag, januari 07, 2004

maandag, januari 05, 2004

I've been so quiet during this whole Mad Cow debacle. I've watched them twist and evade on the news every moring, and the next morning contradict everything they said the day before. But this quote in the Times got me today:

"The industry has been quick to point out that far more people die from salmonella and E. coli than from mad cow disease. "

thuds head on desk ... repeatedly
Objection, your honor, the defense is making my case for me. Ah, I wish I could verify that statement. Who was the rocket scientist who sought to placate the masses with that comparison? (If you're not following, salmonella and E-coli are also spread by poor carcass handling in the slaughter process.)

That was even better than these figures they've been throwing around:
(from National Cattlemen's Beef Assoc.)

Has BSE ever been found in the U.S.?


The USDA has conducted a BSE surveillance program in the U.S. for 13 years and has tested over 57,362 brain specimens from cattle displaying any neurological symptoms and from non-ambulatory animals (downer cows) that might indicate BSE.

Wow - 57,362 in 13 years... what with 150,000-195,000 downer cows a year? (And yes, I understand that the category "downer cows" includes simple, non-neurological ailments like broken legs and other such injuries.)

Sigh, at least they're recognizing the need for change regardless of whether or not said change is cost-effective.