Welcome back to the twice-a-month blog. (how pathetic)
Well it's only appropriate as I haven't gotten any crafting done since the last time. I have been
thinking about it though. That's probably because we're coming up on shearing season again, and I'll probably buy at least 3 fleeces, despite the fact theat the 3 fleeces from last year have not yet left my office. (Bags of fleece make excellent insulation in a drafty space.)
Also I've been playing over on orkut. I think that's more up my alley at the momemnt because I can talk about homebrewing, then switch to spinning, Hungarian, bacon, or The Tick. I don't feel so pigeon-holed into posting things like "I haven't knitted anything this (week/month/year)", albeit the running theme of this blog, when in actuality, I've been doing lots of other things instead (brewing, volleyball, travelling, etc.)
Well I'm off to the Northwest US next week. Here's to hoping I don't capsize in the river again!