Yeah, yeah, I forgot to do the kufi pattern again.
I've been working on socks. It's so hot & humid I'm afraid they're going to felt as I'm knitting them, but what are you going to do? They're the Aran Sandal Socks from Socks, Socks, Socks, which means (by definition), the pattern has errors. I've made them before, so I've corrected most of the errors on my working copy, but there is a minor one I'd missed. Mostly because it doesn't really matter. After you finish decreasing the gusset you're supposed to have 58 stitches left, but the diagram illustrating how many stitches are supposed to be on each needle only totals 56. I can't decide if I want to work the rest of the foot on 58 or 56 stitches. Like I said - it doesn't really matter; I think I'm just bored.
Hmm - I just looked it up and it's such a minor thing that it hasn't made anyone's errata page. Okay - executive decision time: I'm going to go with (drumroll) 58!
I'm wearing my fingerless gloves made from the same yarn (WFB Nyala) as it's FREEZING in my office. She's really soft; hardly any prickle.
Lemme see if I can go refresh my memory on how I usually make Right foot & Left foot socks.